Should you have a Stronger Organic Social Media Marketing Strategy?
There will always be a never-ending debate among marketers surrounding paid social media and organic social media plans. Full Story: MarTech Series
7 Ways to Survive (and Thrive) When You’re Banned From Social Media
How I lived without Facebook and Instagram and came out on top. Full Story: Entrepreneur
4 Free Ways to Grow Your Social Networks
Social media is used for much more than socializing … Full Story: Entrepreneur
How to Improve the Reach of your Social Media Posts
Social media has an undisputedly profound effect on the way we live and communicate with each other in this day and age. Full Story: Love Belfast
The Warning Sign: How Social Media Companies Can Address Social Responsibility
Nowadays almost every dangerous or toxic product wears a warning sign advising consumers against drinking paint thinner or attaching their pet to the top of their roof rack. Full Story: Forbes
The Rise of Social Commerce [Infographic]
As with eCommerce more broadly, social media commerce saw a big rise in 2020. Full Story: Social Media Today
Which social media platforms deliver the best returns?
Social media has become an essential weapon in the marketeer’s arsenal. Full Story: Furniture News
Facebook Adds Scheduling for Stories, New Ad and Business Discovery Options
Today, Facebook has announced the addition of some new features for its Business Suite management platform, including Stories scheduling for both Facebook and Instagram, along with a new business discovery process from the News Feed. Full Story: Social Media Today
4 ways to reach a larger social media audience
Social media platforms today frequently update their algorithms to make branded content less visible. Full Story: BAI
Social media data fast becoming business intelligence data
As an increasing number of consumers interact, share and express themselves on social media that activity data is fast becoming a primary source of business intelligence that’s playing a bigger role in business strategy. Full Story: Retail Customer Experience
Pinterest has long been one of the most powerful and popular social media apps for marketing, and as far eCommerce marketing potential, specifically, is concerned, all marketers should be aware of the potential of the platform for driving discovery and purchase activity. Full Story: Social Media Today
Social Media Video: Double your Audience by Making it Mobile-Friendly
Social media video will take your marketing strategy to the next level. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Don’t Let Social Media Gets in the Way of Marketing Your Brand
Marketing strategy is more than just a slogan. Full Story: Global Banking & Finance Review
5 Tricks From the Social Media Playbook That Will Make Your Website Stand Out
Your digital strategy should inspire engagement and action. Full Story: Entrepreneur
Using Virtual Assistants to Scale Your Social Media
If managing your social media accounts seems daunting, find someone to do it for you. Full Story: Entrepreneur
How Do Social Media Management Tools Save You Time?
Developing and nurturing a solid social media footprint is an essential part of a real estate agent’s marketing arsenal, but it can also be a time-consuming one to boot. Full Story: RISMedia
The Power of Hashtags in Social Media
Although hashtags were first used on Twitter back in 2007, they soon became a social media phenomenon, being integrated into most platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc. Full Story: CoFounder Magazine
A smart picture frame might contain lessons for making a better social media world. Full Story: Built In
The secret to successful social media marketing
For many veterinary practices, social media is just another box to check. Full Story: DVM 360
Everything wrong with social media infographics: an informative thread
In the past year, we’ve all seen it too often: terrible tragedy in the news, followed by a host of social media PowerPoint presentations about the social issues surrounding the event and why people should care. Full Story: Cherwell