Social Media Size Guide Update 2021
In the high-speed social media world, the average user’s attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish. Full Story: Social Media Today
15 Ways Business Owners Can Make the Most of Social Media
Social media is one of the most powerful tools business owners can use. How you leverage your accounts can make all the difference in terms of your overall success and business growth. Full Story: Built In
How ‘Time’ uses captivating visuals to make a splash on social media
The feature that was created out of necessity after a slow news week in 1928 has grown to encompass “the man, woman, group or concept that had the most influence on the world during the previous 12 months.” Full Story: PR Daily
Use social media intentionally for an enjoyable and inspiring experience
Social media is used in numerous ways such as entertainment, communication, networking, business or a news source for many. Full Story: Famuan
The social media opportunity with the death of third-party cookies
With cookies on the way out, paid social is a bright spot in 2021 for many marketers looking to understand and reach consumers. Full Story: Marketing Dive
How to block social media apps from yourself to stop distractions and be more productive
If you want to block social media apps from yourself, there are dozens of apps, extensions, and tools you can use. Full Story: Business Insider
Why Video Makes a Huge Difference in Social Media
A few months ago I wrote a piece on how Instagram Reels had just launched and was booming. Full Story:
The Hidden Risk in Social Media Marketing
The explosive growth of digital marketing has encouraged companies to increasingly lean into social media as a way to reach their audiences. Full Story: Insurance Journal
Social Media Can Be Toxic—Here’s The First Step Toward Change
Though it might be hard to remember sometimes, social media is about much more than news, ads, and branded content. Full Story: Forbes
How Important Is Social Media to Photographers?
Has your online presence benefited your photography in any way? Full Story: Fstoppers
How to Use Canva to Stand Out on Social Media
Creating eye-catching social media posts when you’re not an Adobe Photoshop or InDesign pro can be challenging. But gone is the era of stern and boring images for your social media pages. Full Story: Business 2 Community
4 Tips for Efficient and Effective Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram—the number of social media networks in the past few years has increased and will continue to do so in years to come. Full Story: Business 2 Community
5 Effective Tips for Learning Effective Social Media Marketing
Social media is all the buzz today. People all over the globe and taken to different sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc. to share their personal life and grow their business. Full Story: The Portugal News
More Just Social Media Starts Here
Complex problems don’t have simple solutions. Full Story: Built In
Why Social Media Creators Are Poised To Run The World
Social media has gone through multiple iterations since it first took shape in the 1990s, but the current cohort of social media influencers and creators stands out from the rest. Full Story: Forbes
Social Media Is Traumatizing Us More Than We Realize
Disturbing headlines aren’t new ― but thanks to social media, we’re more exposed to them than ever. Full Story: HuffPost
Why You Need Proactive and Reactive Social Media Engagement Strategies
You should be both proactive and reactive in your approach. Both require a specific approach, but their benefits are unique, making them a powerhouse when used together. Full Story: Special Events
7 Social Media Marketing Secrets No One Tells You
Despite all the social media marketing advice floating around out there, there are a few tips and trick that, while important, you may not ever have heard of. Here, we shed a little light on the situation. Full Story: CelebrityAccess ENCORE
Growing competition among social media platforms create a challenging 2021
With many countries still subject to extensive lockdowns as a result of Covid-19, the use of social media seems to be increasing, leading to more competition among social media players. Full Story: Verdict
How social media influences a brand
Social media has proven to be a medium that individuals and brands can use to either influence or be influenced. Full Story: Media Update